what mountains are to the south and southeast of china

x.1 Physical Geography of the Region

Eastern asia is surrounded by a series of mount ranges in the west, Mongolia and Russian federation in the n, and Southeast Asia to the south. The Himalayas border Tibet and Nepal; theKarakoram Ranges,Pamirs, and theTian Shan Mountains shadow Central Asia; and theAltay Mountains are next to Russia. TheHimalayan Mountains are among the highest mount ranges in the world, and Mt. Everest is the planet'southward tallest peak. These high ranges create a rain shadow effect, generating the dry out arid atmospheric condition of type B climates that dominatewestern China. The desert atmospheric condition of western China requite ascent to a sizeable uninhabitable region in its eye. Melting snowfall from the high elevations feeds many of the streams that transition into the major rivers that menstruation toward the e.

Created by tectonic plate activity, the many mountain ranges are also home to earthquakes and tremors that are devastating to human being livelihood. The Indian tectonic plate is still pushing northward into the Eurasian plate, forcing the Himalayan ranges upward. With an boilerplate summit of fifteen m feet, the Tibetan Plateau is the largest plateau region of the world. It has loftier elevations and type H climates. The plateau is sparsely populated, and the only places with human habitation are the river valleys. Lhasa is the largest city of the sparsely populated region. Sometimes called "the Roof of the World," the Tibetan Plateau is a land of superlatives. The small corporeality of precipitation that occurs often comes in the form of hailstorms mixed with wind. Its landscape is generally rocky and barren.

The vast arid regions of western China extend into the Gobi Desert between Mongolia and Communist china. Colder type D climates dominate the Mongolian steppe and northern Cathay. The eastern coast of the Asian continent is home to islands and peninsulas, which include Taiwan and the countries of Japan and Due north and S Korea. North korea's type D climates are similar to the northern tier of the United States, comparable to N Dakota. Taiwan is farther south, producing a warmer tropical type A climate. The mountainous islands of Japan have been formed as a result of tectonic plates and are prone to earthquakes. Since h2o moderates temperature, the coastal areas of Eastern asia accept more moderate temperatures than the interior areas do. A type C climate is ascendant in Japan, just the due north has a colder type D climate. The densely populated fertile river valleys of key and southeastern China are matched by contrasting economic conditions. Fertile alluvial soils and moderate temperatures create excellent farmland that provides enormous nutrient production to fuel an ever-growing population.

Virtually of Mainland china's population lives in its eastern region, called Red china Proper, with type C climates, freshwater, and good soils. People's republic of china Proper has dumbo population clusters that stand for to the areas of type C climate that extend south from Shanghai to Hong Kong. Around the world, most humans have gravitated toward blazon C climates. These climates have produced fertile agricultural lands that provide an affluence of food for the enormous Chinese population. To the south, the temperatures are warmer, with hot and humid summers and dry, warm winters. The climates of China Proper are conducive for human being home, which has transformed the region into a highly populated homo customs. The North People's republic of china Plain at the oral cavity of the Yellow River (Huang He River) has productive farmland and is the nigh densely populated region in China.

Northwest of Beijing is Inner Mongolia and the Gobi Desert, a desert that extends into the independent country of Mongolia. Barren blazon B climates boss the region to the southern one-half of Mongolia. The northern half of Mongolia is colder with continental type D climates. In the higher elevations of the highlands in western Mongolia, there is a section of type H highland climates. Its climate and location identify Mongolia as a landlocked country in the northern latitudes with a low level of precipitation. The areas of blazon D climate that extend north from Beijing through Northeast People's republic of china at times receive more atmospheric precipitation than northern Mongolia. Northeast China features China's vast forests and excellent agricultural land. Many of Mainland china'southward abundant natural mineral resources are found in this area. Balancing mineral extraction with the preservation of agricultural state and timber resource is a perennial event.

Lying north of the Great Wall and encompassing the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia is the vast Mongolian steppe, which includes broad flat grasslands that extend northward into the highlands. N China includes the Yellow River basin as well as the municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin. Areas around parts of the Yellow River are superb agricultural lands, including vast areas of loess that have been terraced for tillage. Loess is extremely fine silt or windblown soil that is yellow in color in this region. Deciduous forests continue to be in this region, despite aggressive clearcutting for agricultural purposes. The Great Wall of China rests atop hills in this region.

Most of western China is arid, with a type B climate. Western Prc has large regions like the Takla Makan Desert that are uninhabited and inhospitable because of hot summers and long cold winters exacerbated by the common cold winds sweeping down from the north. In a local Uyghur linguistic communication, the proper noun Takla Makan means "You will go in, but you will not go out." To the far westward are the high mountains bordering Fundamental Asia that restrict travel and trade with the remainder of the continent. Northwestern China is a mountainous region featuring glaciers, deserts, and basins.

Map courtesy of the University of Texas Libraries.

The key portion of Red china Proper is subtropical. This vast region includes the southern portion of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang River) and the cities of Shanghai and Chongqing. Alluvial processes requite this expanse prime agronomical land. Its climate is warm and humid in the summers with mild winters; monsoons create distinct summertime rainy seasons. Tropical Mainland china lies in the extreme south and includes Hainan Island and the small islands that neighbor it. Annual temperatures are higher hither than in the subtropical region, and rainfall amounts brought by the summer monsoons are at times very substantial. This expanse is characterized by low mountains and hills.

River Basins of Mainland china

In that location are two major river systems that provide fresh water to the vast agronomical regions of the cardinal part of China Proper. The Yellow River (Huang He River) is named later on the light-colored silt that washes into the river. It flows from the Tibetan highlands through the North People's republic of china Plain into the Yellow Sea. Dams, canals, and irrigation projects forth the river provide water for all-encompassing agricultural operations. Crops of wheat, sorghum, corn, and soybeans are mutual with vegetables, fruit, and tobacco grown in smaller plots. The North China Plain has to grow enough food to feed its ane thousand people per foursquare mile average density. This obviously does not usually produce a food surplus because of the high need from the large population of the region. Beijing borders the North People's republic of china Plainly. Its nearest port, Tianjin, continues to aggrandize and grow, creating an economic center of industrial activity that relies on the peripheral regions for nutrient and raw materials. Cotton wool is an example of a key industrial ingather grown hither.

The Yangtze River (Chang Jiang River) flows out of the Tibetan Plateau through the Sichuan Province, through the Three Gorges region and its lower basin into the East China Sea. Farm production forth the river includes extensive rice and wheat farming. Large cities are located on this river, including Wuhan and Chongqing. Nanjing and Shanghai are situated near the delta on the coast. Shanghai is the largest city in China and is a growing city. The Three Gorges Dam of the Yangtze River is the world's largest dam. It produces a large percentage of electricity for cardinal China. Oceangoing ships tin travel up the Yangtze to Wuhan and, utilizing locks in the 3 Gorges Dam; these cargo vessels can travel all the way upriver to Chongqing. The Yangtze River is a valuable and vital transportation corridor for the transport of goods between periphery and core and between the unlike urban centers of activity. Sichuan is among the top five provinces in China in terms of population and is dependent on the Yangtze River arrangement to provide for its needs and connect information technology with the rest of Cathay.

The region of eastern Communist china that is favorable to big populations is called People's republic of china Proper. River basins historically produce abundant nutrient, which in turn leads to concentrated populations.

Northeast China was formerly known every bit Manchuria, named afterwards the Manchu ethnic group that had dominated the region in Chinese history. Two river basins create a favorable industrial climate for economic activity. The lower Liao River Basin and the Songhua River Basin cut through Northeast China. The cities of Harbin and Shenyang are industrial centers located on these rivers. This region is known as the Northeast Cathay Plain. Information technology has extensive farming activities located adjacent to an industrial landscape of smokestacks, factories, and warehouses. Considerable mineral wealth and fe ore deposits in the region have augmented the industrial activities and have created severe environmental concerns because of excessive air and water pollution. In its zenith in the 1970s, this was China's leading steel production surface area, simply the region is being reduced to a rustbelt since many of Communist china's manufacturing centers are now being developed in the southern regions of China Proper.

The southernmost region of China Proper is dwelling to the Pearl River Basin, an of import agricultural and commercial commune. Though smaller in size than the Yangtze River Basin, major global urban centers are located on its estuary, where the mouth of the river flows into the South Communist china Sea. The system includes the Xi River, Pearl River, and their tributaries. As the third-longest river organisation in China, these rivers process an enormous amount of water, and accept the second-highest volume of h2o catamenia afterward the Yangtze. Guangzhou, Macau, and Hong Kong are the most significant cities located here, alongside the apace expanding industrial centre of Shenzhen. As mentioned earlier, Macau was a former Portuguese colony, and Hong Kong was a former British colony. These urban areas are now hubs for international trade and global commerce. Guangzhou is ane of the largest cities in China, along with Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, and Tianjin. Cantonese heritage and traditions course a foundation for the cultural background of the people who live here.

An estuary is a broad surface area at the mouth of a river where it meets the sea. Hong Kong is located on the eastern side of the Pearl River Estuary, and the former Portuguese colony of Macau is located on the western side of the waterway. Wikimedia Commons – CC By 2.0.

Three Gorges Dam (The New China Dam)

The Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River is known in Prc as the New China Dam. Its hydroelectric production system is the largest on Earth. The river arrangement is the world'due south third longest, after the Nile and the Amazon. Ideas for this project go back to the days just afterwards the last dynasty brutal. Plans and development began in the decades before 1994, when the construction of the dam began. The primary purposes of the dam are to control the massive flooding forth the Yangtze, produce hydroelectric ability, and increment shipping capacity along the river.

The Yangtze River flows through iii deep gorges where a dam has been synthetic to stabilize flooding, produce electricity, and support river transportation.
  • Dam length: vii,661 anxiety
  • Dam height: 610 feet
  • Dam width (at base): 377 feet
  • Physical construction began: Dec 14, 1994
  • Construction cost: estimated thirty-9 billion The states dollars
  • Estimated surface area of the reservoir: 403 square miles
  • Estimated length of the reservoir: 375 miles
  • Capacity of xxx-two generators totaling 22,500 MW (equivalent to about xx nuclear power plants the size of the Watts Bar 1, the newest US nuclear reactor)

Before the construction of the dam, flooding along the Yangtze cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars in damage. In 1954, the river flooded, causing the deaths of more than thirty-three thousand people and displacing an additional eighteen million people. The big city of Wuhan was flooded for three months. In 1998, a similar flood caused billions of dollars in damage, flooded thousands of acres of farmland, resulted in more than i,526 deaths, and displaced more than 2.3 million people. The dam was rigorously tested in 2009, when a massive overflowing worked its way through the waterway. The dam was able to withstand the pressure level past containing the excess h2o and controlling the flow downstream. The dam saved many lives and prevented billions of dollars in potential damage. The savings in human lives and in preventing economic damage are projected to outweigh the ecological devastation and financial price of the dam inside a few decades.

The dam produces most of the electricity for the lower Yangtze Basin, including Shanghai, the largest city in China. Five years of the dam producing electricity has already paid for about one-third of its construction costs, which is equivalent to burning approximately 150 million tons of coal (depending on coal quality). This reduces the emission of millions of tons of carbon dioxide, sulfur, and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, which reduces air pollution and does not contribute to climate modify. Heavy freight traffic on the Yangtze was the norm even before the dam was congenital; in fact, it has the highest rates of transport of whatever river. The building of the dam has augmented the amount of freight traffic.

China'southward Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River is the largest dam in the globe. Wikimedia Commons – CC BY 2.0.

All the positive attributes of the Three Gorges Dam have contributed to the economic development of China. This is a testimony to the engineering and technological chapters of the nation. However, this projection has also created its own problems and negative impacts on culture and the environment. Past 2008, the number of people forced to relocate from the flooding of the reservoir had reached i.24 1000000. Celebrated villages and hundreds of archaeological sites were flooded. Thousands of farmers had to be relocated to places with less productive soils. Compensation to the farmers for relocation was forfeited because of corruption and fraud. Sadly, much of the scenic beauty of the river basin is at present underwater.

Brute species like the critically endangered Siberian Cranes, who had wintered in the quondam wetlands of the river, had to find habitat elsewhere. The endangered Yangtze River Dolphin has been doomed to extinction because of the dam and the amplified river activity. The dam restricts the flushing of h2o pollution and creates a massive potential for landslides along its banks, exacerbating the potential for the silting in of the reservoir and the clogging of the dam's turbines. The dam likewise sits on a error zone, and at that place is a concern that the massive weight of the water in the reservoir could trigger earthquakes that may destroy the dam, with catastrophic consequences. Big development projects tend to have an enormous impact on the people and the surroundings that inhabit their shadow. The building of the Three Gorges Dam has created controversy, with strong arguments on both sides of the issues. To farther complicate the state of affairs, other large dams are beingness proposed or are nether construction along the same river.


Source: https://worldgeography.pressbooks.com/chapter/10-1/

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