Legal Term for Making Whole Again

Observe: This list of common legal words was compiled by the Connecticut Judicial Branch solely equally a public service. The Judicial Co-operative does non warrant the accuracy of the information contained in this list nor is it responsible for any errors or omissions and assumes no liability for its utilise. This information is by necessity general in nature and is not intended as legal advice, merely rather information which may exist helpful in understanding how courts in Connecticut operate.

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AKA: "Also known as". Used to list aliases or another name, or some other spelling of a name used by a person.

Accelerated Rehabilitation: As well called AR. A program that gives persons charged with a law-breaking or motor vehicle violation for the showtime time a second chance. The person is placed on probation for up to two years. If probation is completed satisfactorily, the charges are dismissed.

Acquittance: The signature of a clerk or attorney certifying that the person signing the document has signed by his or her free human action and for the purposes fix forth therein.

Activeness: Likewise chosen a case or lawsuit. A civil judicial proceeding where one party sues another for a wrong done, or to protect a correct or to prevent a wrong.

Adjournment: Postponement of a court session until another time or place.

Arbitrament: A decision or sentence imposed past a judge.

Adjudicatory Hearing: Juvenile court proceeding to determine whether the allegations made in a petition are true and whether the child/youth should be subject to orders of the court.

Developed Courtroom Transfer: The transfer of juveniles who are at least fourteen years onetime to regular criminal dockets in Geographical Area or Judicial District courts. Also involves the transfer from a Juvenile Detention Center to the State Department of Correction.

Developed Probation: A legal status, applied to people 16 years of age and older, who have been convicted of a law-breaking and placed under the supervision of a probation officer for a period of time set by the court.

Affirmation: Declaring something to be true under the penalty of perjury by a person who will not have an adjuration for religious or other reasons.

Affirmation: A written statement made under oath, swearing to the truth of the contests of a document.

Alcohol Education Program: A pre-trial program for first time offenders charged with driving a motor vehicle nether the influence of alcohol.

Alford Doctrine: A plea in a criminal instance in which the accused does not admit guilt, but agrees that the state has enough evidence against him or her to get a conviction. Allows the accused to enter into a plea bargain with the country. If the judge accepts the Alford Plea, a guilty finding is fabricated on the record.

Pension: Coin a court requires one spouse to pay the other spouse for support before and/or after the divorce is granted. If you do not ask for alimony at the terminal hearing, you lot tin can never get it in the time to come.

Allegation: Saying that something is truthful. The assertion, declaration or statement of a political party in a instance, made in a pleading.

Alternate Juror: A juror selected every bit a substitute in example another juror must leave the jury panel.

Culling Detention Program: Programs operated by service providers under the Office of Alternative Sanctions used to detain juveniles instead of in a Juvenile Detention Centre.

Culling Dispute Resolution: Too called ADR. Whatsoever method used to resolve disputes other than traditional trial proceedings. For example, mediation. ADR programs speed up the disposition of civil cases.

Alternative Incarceration Center: Also called AIC. A community based program that provides monitoring, supervision and services to people who would otherwise be incarcerated.

Culling Sanctions : Criminal punishment that is less restrictive than incarceration.

Amicus Curiae brief: A Latin term meaning "friend of the courtroom." An Amicus Curiae cursory is filed past someone who is not a party to a case just has an involvement in its result. A person who wants to file an amicus curiae brief usually has to get the courtroom'due south permission to do so.

Annulment : A court order declaring that a matrimony is invalid.

Answer : A courtroom certificate, or pleading, in a civil example, by which the accused responds to the plaintiff'southward complaint.

Entreatment : Asking a college courtroom to review the decision or sentence of a trial court considering the lower court fabricated an fault.

Appeal Bail: Money paid to the courtroom while taking an appeal to cover costs and amercement to the other party, if the appeal is non successful.

Appearance : The official courtroom form filed with the courtroom clerk which tells the court that you are representing yourself in a lawsuit or criminal case or that an chaser is representing you. All court notices and calendars will be mailed to the address listed on the class. When a defendant in a civil case files an advent, the person is submitting to the courtroom's jurisdiction.

Appellant: The party highly-seasoned a decision or judgment to a higher court.

Appellee: The party against whom an entreatment is taken.

Mediation: Submitting a case or dispute to designated parties for a decision, instead of using a estimate.

Arraignment : The first courtroom appearance of a person accused of a crime. The person is brash of his or her rights past a judge and may respond to the criminal charges past entering a plea. Usually happens the forenoon after a person is arrested.

Abort: When a person is taken into custody by a police officeholder and charged with a criminal offence.

Arrearages: Money for alimony and/or child support, which is overdue and unpaid.

Assignment Listing : A printed list of cases to be presented to the courtroom for hearing.

Assistant Chaser General: An chaser who represents a country agency in civil cases.

Zipper: A lien on property or assets to hold it to pay or satisfy any final judgment.

Attorney of Tape: Attorney whose name appears in the permanent records or files of a example.

Automatic Orders : Courtroom orders that take effect when a divorce or custody example is started.

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Bail : Besides called Bond. Money or property given to the court for the temporary release of a defendant, to ensure that the defendant will return to court.

Bail Bondsperson: A person who lends coin to a accused to pay for bond.

Bond Commissioner : A state-appointed person who may set the amount of bond for persons detained at a police force station prior to arraignment in court, and who recommends to the court the corporeality of bond that should be set for the defendant on each criminal instance.

Bar: Refers to attorneys as a group.

Best Interest of the Kid: The standard a judge uses to decide custody and visitation issues.

Bench Warrant: Court papers issued by the judge, "from the bench," for the arrest of a person.

Bond : Too called bail. Money or holding given to the court for the temporary release of a defendant, to ensure that the defendant will render to court. There are two kinds of bonds:
Non-financial bonds:
     a) Non-surety bond where the accused'southward signature solitary guarantees the amount of bond and the accused is non required to post whatsoever belongings or retain the services of a professional person bond bondsperson as collateral.
    b) Promise to appear.
Surety bond: The court requires cash, existent manor or a professional person bond bondpersons signature as collateral before releasing the defendant back into the community. (The court may allow the defendant to post ten pct of the bail in cash to secure his or her release.)

Bond Forfeiture (calling the Bond): If the accused fails to appear in courtroom every bit scheduled, the approximate may society the bond forfeited (paid to the state) and the accused rearrested.

Bond Review: A hearing for a judge to make up one's mind if the defendant's bond amount needs to be changed.

Bondservant: A surety; one who has put up cash or holding as collateral before a accused may be released.

Cursory: A written document prepared by a lawyer or party on each side of a dispute and filed with the court in support of their arguments.

Cleaved Down Irretrievably: The about common reason for granting a divorce. It ways in that location is no hope of the married man and wife getting dorsum together over again. Also known every bit "no-fault" divorce.

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Calendar: A listing of courtroom cases scheduled for a specific date and time; the civil and family court docket.

Agenda Telephone call: The calling of cases scheduled for the day, unremarkably done at the beginning of each court twenty-four hours.

Capias Mittimus: A ceremonious arrest warrant used to get a person physically into court to respond to a specific example or claim.

Majuscule Felony: A criminal offense in which the death sentence may be imposed. Constructive April 25, 2012, this term was replaced in the Full general Statutes with murder with special circumstances. (C.G.S. 53a-54b).

Case: A lawsuit or activity in a court.

Case Conference: A coming together scheduled by the court to review the case.

Example File: The courtroom file containing papers submitted in a case.

Case Menstruation Coordinator: A person who keeps track of your case and supervises the scheduling of hearings and trials.

Fundamental Transportation Unit: Persons in the Division of Juvenile Detention Services who provide rubber and secure transportation services for juveniles detained at Juvenile Detention Centers, Alternative Detention Plan and Girls' Detention Program.

Certify: To testify in writing; to make known or found as a fact.

CGS: Abbreviation for Connecticut General Statutes External Link - You are leaving the CT Judicial Branch website

Challenge: Rejecting a potential juror.

Charge: Formal accusation of a criminal offense.

Charge to Jury: In trial practice, an address delivered by the court to the jury at the close of the case instructing the jury as to what principles of law they are to apply in reaching a determination. Civil | Criminal

Chattels: All property except real property; personal holding. For example: jewelry, vesture, article of furniture, and appliances.

Child: Any person under the age of sixteen (16) years of age.

Child Support : Coin paid past a parent to assist run into the financial needs of a child.

The " Chip Smith Accuse " is an didactics to deadlocked jurors in civil and criminal cases, urging those jurors who disagree with the majority vote to reexamine the majority views in an effort to attain a unanimous verdict.

CIP: Children in Placement- a voluntary program in Juvenile Court, which monitors neglect, cases.

Civil Activeness: A lawsuit other than a criminal instance ordinarily filed in a Judicial District courthouse. Includes family actions (divorces, kid support, etc) and small claims cases, although these are both separately designated.

Claim: In ceremonious cases, the statement of relief desired.

Classification and Program Officer: Also called CPO. A person who provides classification, program, counseling and recreational services to detained juveniles. May nourish certain courtroom hearings in Juvenile Matters and provide reports.

Common Law: Laws that develop through case decisions by judges. Not enacted past legislative bodies.

Community Service: Piece of work that convicted defendants are required to perform in order to repay the customs for the harm caused to the community past the crime.

Customs Services Coordinator: The person who refers a defendant to community service work and supervises the accused'southward completion of that work.

Community Service Labor Program : Also chosen CSLP. A community service program for persons charged with drug offenses. Upon successful completion of the community service sentence, the criminal case is dismissed.

Complaint: A legal document that tells the court what you want, and is served with a summons on the defendant to begin the example.

Circuitous Litigation: A specialized docket designed for complex civil cases, where one judge hears the example from beginning to end. Criteria includes: multiple parties, big amounts of money, lengthy trial or circuitous legal issues.

Conditional Discharge: A disposition, in criminal cases, where the accused must satisfy certain court-ordered conditions instead of a prison term.

Contempt of Court: A finding that someone disobeyed a court club. Can besides  hateful disrupting court, for example, by being loud or disrespectful in courtroom.

Continuance: The banishment or postponement of a court case to another 24-hour interval.

Continuance Date: Engagement on which the instance will adjacent exist heard in court.

Contract: A legally enforceable agreement betwixt two or more persons or parties.

Conviction: To be plant guilty of committing a crime.

Costs: Expenses in prosecuting or defending a example in court. Usually does non include attorney'due south fees.

Count: The different parts of a complaint, which could each exist a ground or grounds for the lawsuit.

Counter Claim : A merits past the defendant in a ceremonious activeness that the accused is entitled to damages or other relief from the plaintiff.

Court-Appointed Attorney: An chaser who is asked by the court (gauge) to either represent a party to the case, or to serve in some other capacity that the case requires.

Courtroom Clerk: The person who maintains the official courtroom record of your case. The court clerks' office receives all court papers and assigns hearing dates.

Court Interpreter : The person who translates court hearings from English to some other language. Provided at country expense in all criminal cases and in cases enforcing kid support orders, if requested. No interpreter is available for divorce or any other civil example.

Courtroom Monitor: The person who prepares a written record of the court hearing for a fee, if requested, from audiotapes fabricated during the hearing.

Court Reporter: The person who records everything said during the court hearing on a stenograph machine and prepares a written record for a fee, if requested.

Court Services Officer: A person who assists the judge and oversees cases as they go through the court.

Court Trial: Trial by a judge, rather than by a jury.

Law-breaking Victim Bounty Program: Awards money to crime victims and their families for medical, mental health, dental, funeral expenses, lost wages and loss of support.

Cross-Examination: Questioning by a party or the attorney of an adverse political party or a witness.

Custody : A court order deciding where a kid will live and how decisions about the child will be made. Parents may inquire for any custody arrangement that they believe is in the all-time interest of their child.

Custody Affidavit: A sworn statement containing facts about a child involved in a instance, including full name of the kid, date of birth, electric current and past residences and other data as may exist required past law.

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Damages: Money a party receives as compensation for a legal wrong.

Day Incarceration Center: Too called DIC. A community based plan that provides monitoring, supervision and services to people who would otherwise be incarcerated. Twenty-four hour period Incarceration Center clients are supervised during the daytime hours, seven days per week.

Declaration: An unsworn statement of facts made by a political party to the transaction, or by one who has an interest in the facts recounted.

Default : To neglect to respond or reply to the plaintiff'south claims past filing the required court document; usually an Appearance or an Respond.

Defendant: In civil cases, the person who is given court papers, too called a respondent. In criminal cases, the person who is arrested and charged with a crime.

Delinquent: In civil or family cases, failing to pay an amount of money when due: In juvenile cases, a child who violated a law, local ordinance, or an order of the Superior Court.

Deposition: Testimony of a witness taken, nether adjuration, in response to another party's questions. Testimony given outside the courtroom, commonly in a lawyer's function. A word for word account (transcript) is made of the testimony.

Detention Hearing or Detention Release Hearing: A hearing on the beginning business organisation solar day later a juvenile is admitted to juvenile detention concerning the legality and appropriateness of continued detention of the juvenile. The detention decision must be reviewed at least every fifteen days.

Discovery: A formal request past one party in a lawsuit to disclose information or facts known by other parties or witnesses.

Dismissal: A judge'due south determination to end the case.

Dismissal Without Prejudice: A judges conclusion to end the case which permits the complainant or prosecutor to renew the instance afterwards. In dissimilarity, dismissal "with prejudice" prevents the complainant or prosecutor to bring or maintain the same claim or activeness once more.

Dispose: Catastrophe a legal case or a judicial proceeding.

Disposition: The manner in which a case is settled or resolved.

Dissolution : The legal stop of a marriage, too called a divorce.

Diversionary Programs : Community based programs that are used to keep eligible, bedevilled criminal offenders out of prison.

Docket: A list of cases scheduled to be heard in court on a specific solar day or week.

Docket Number: A unique number the court clerk assigns to a case. It must be used on all hereafter papers filed in the court case. Each docket number starts with two letters that tell the type of case. CI = criminal infraction; CR = criminal case; CV = civil instance; FA = family case; MI = motor vehicle infraction; MV= motor vehicle case; SC = small claims.

Domicile: The permanent home of a person. A person may have several residences, just only ane domicile.

Drug Courtroom: A Special Session of the Superior Court that is responsible for hearing cases involving charges of drug offenses.

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Education Program: A programme for family violence offenders that, if granted and successfully completed, results in dismissal of criminal charges (C.Grand.S. §46b-38c).

Ejectment: A legal case filed against someone who is a holdover tenant (someone who remains after the expiration of a charter).

Electronic Monitoring: An electronic system that provides the Probation Officer or Bail Commissioner a study almost whether the offender has left home during the time when the offender was required to remain at his or her dwelling house.

Emancipated Minor: A person under the legal bulk age of 18 who is granted well-nigh rights and legal privileges of an adult (C.Thou.S.§46b-150, et seq.).

Emancipation: The release of a youth from the legal authorization and control of the youth's parents and the corresponding release of the youth's parents from their obligations to the youth.

Eminent Domain: The legal process past which individual property is taken for public utilise without the consent of the owner.

Eviction: Legally forcing a tenant out of rented property. (Housing Publications)

Show : Testimony, documents or objects presented at a trial to prove a fact.

Ex Parte: Done for, or at the request of, one side in a case only, without prior notice to the other side.

Execution Suspended: A prison sentence that is suspended in whole or in part provided certain weather of probation or conditional discharge are met past the defendant.

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Failure to Appear: In a civil instance, failing to file an Appearance course. In a criminal case, failing to come to court for a scheduled hearing.

Family Relations Counselor: A person who mediates disagreements and negotiates agreements in custody, visitation and divorce cases. At the request of the approximate, a family unit relations counselor may evaluate a family situation past interviewing each parent and the children in the family unit. The family relations counselor then writes a report for the judge, making recommendations about custody and visitation. Works in the Family Services Office.

Family Support Magistrate : A person who decides cases involving child support and paternity. Can also enforce court orders involving paternity, child support and alimony.

Family unit Violence Education Program : A programme for family violence offenders that if successfully completed, results in the dismissal of criminal charges.

Family Violence Victim Advocate: A person who works with domestic violence victims to determine their needs and inform them of their rights and resources bachelor to them.

Family With Service Needs: Also chosen FWSN. A family that includes a child, who (a) runs away without only cause, (b) is beyond the control of his/her parents/guardian, (c) has engaged in indecent or immoral conduct, and/or (d) is a truant or continuously defiant of schoolhouse rules and regulations.

Felony: Any offense for which a person may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of more than than of one twelvemonth.

Felony Murder: A murder committed while the person is also committing a felony.
Filing: Giving the court clerk legal papers which go part of the case file.

Financial Affidavit: Short | Long - A sworn argument of income, expenses, property (called assets) and debts (called liabilities).

Finding: The court's or jury's decision on bug of fact.

Foreclosure: A court society ending the legal ownership of property.

Foreman : An elected fellow member of a jury who delivers the verdict to the courtroom.

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Garnishment: A court gild to collect money or holding. For instance, a garnishment may exist issued to an employer to pay part of an employee's wages to someone else to pay a debt or judgment.

GA - Geographical Area: Geographical Area. The court location where motor vehicle and near criminal cases are heard. There are 22 Geographical Areas in Connecticut.

Grievance: A complaint filed against an attorney or judge, challenge an ethics violation.

Guardian : A person who has the ability and duty to take care of another person and/or to manage the belongings and rights of another person who is considered incapable of taking care of his or her personal affairs.

Guardian Ad Litem: A person, usually a parent, appointed past the court to represent a child or unborn person in a court case. If a family member is non bachelor, a gauge may appoint an chaser.

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Habeas Corpus: A court social club used to bring a person physically before a courtroom in order to test the legality of the person'southward detention. Unremarkably, information technology is directed to the official or person detaining another, commanding him to bring the person to courtroom for the estimate to determine if that person has been denied liberty without due procedure of constabulary.

Hearsay: Testimony given by a witness who tells second or third hand information.

Honor Court: A program of outpatient group therapy for alcohol abusers.

Housing Specialist: A person who provides pretrial mediation of landlord/tenant cases to attain settlement. Also provides information well-nigh customs resource to litigants.

Hung Jury: A jury whose members cannot reconcile their differences of opinion and thus cannot attain a verdict.

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Incarceration: Confinement to a country correctional plant or prison.

Income Withholding Order: A court guild to deduct child support or pension payments from someone's wages. All child support courtroom orders must include an income withholding order unless both parents ask the gauge not to.

Indigent: Someone without plenty coin to either support himself or herself or his or her family. Someone who cannot afford to pay sure fees required by the courtroom. (Ceremonious, Family, Housing | Juvenile)

Information (the) : In a criminal case, the formal court certificate in the clerk's file, which contains the charges, dates of offenses, bond condition, constancy dates and disposition.

Infraction: A instance where the fine may exist paid by mail and ordinarily the person does not accept to appear or come to court. For example, a speeding ticket. (Infractions Schedule)

Injunction: A court order to cease doing or to first doing a specific act.

Interpreter: The person who correctly translates court hearings from a second language to English.  An interpreter is provided at no price to the person who needs the interpreter in all cases where the person'south life, freedom, children or housing are at risk of being taken away.  Interpreters are also provided for criminal and child support cases.

Interrogatory: Formal, written questions used to get information from another party in a lawsuit.

Investigatory Grand Jury: A guess, ramble land referee or whatever three judges of the Superior Court, appointed by the Chief Court Administrator to deport an investigation into the committee of a crime or crimes.

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Gauge: A person who hears and decides cases for the courts. Appointed by the governor for a term of eight years and confirmed by the Full general Assembly.

Judgment: A court decision. Also called a prescript or an order.

Judgment File: A permanent court tape of the court's final disposition of the example.
JD - Judicial District: Connecticut has 13 judicial districts (JD) in which ceremonious, criminal, family and juvenile matters are heard. Civil jury, civil not-jury, authoritative appeals and family matters generally are heard in a JD courthouse.

Juris Number: An identification number assigned to each chaser in Connecticut.

Jurisdiction: Power and authority of a courtroom to hear and make a judgment in a case.

Juror: Member of a jury.

Jury Charge: The estimate'south formal instructions on the law to the jury before information technology begins deliberations.

Jury Instructions: Directions given by the judge to the jury concerning the law of the instance. (Civil | Criminal)

Juvenile Courtroom: Also called Superior Court for Juvenile Matters. A special segmentation of the Superior Courtroom designated to hear all cases concerning uncared for, dependent children and youth and delinquents. All juvenile court proceedings and case records are confidential and are not public information.

Juvenile Delinquent: A person under the age of 16 who commits a criminal act.

Juvenile Detention: State facility to provide for the temporary care of a child who alleged to exist runaway and who requires a physically restricted, secure environment.

Juvenile Detention Center: A secure facility for juveniles operated by the Partition of Juvenile Detention Services of the Connecticut Judicial Branch, open up 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Juvenile Detention Officer: Also called JDO. A person who works inside a Juvenile Detention Centre.

Juvenile Matters: All cases apropos uncared for, neglected or dependent children and youth, termination of parental rights of children committed to a state agency, matters concerning families with service needs, contested matters involving termination of parental rights or removal of guardian transferred from the Probate Court and the emancipation of minors. It does not include guardianship or adoption cases, or matters affecting belongings rights of any kid or youth over which the Probate Court has jurisdiction. The Probate Court hears appeals concerning adoption, termination of parental rights and removal of a parent as guardian are included. Juvenile matters in the criminal session include all cases concerning delinquent children in the country.

Juvenile Probation : Placement of an adjudicated delinquent under the supervision of a juvenile probation officer.

Juvenile Transportation Officer: Also called JTO. A person who provides safe transportation services for juveniles in custody.

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Law Librarian: Court staff who maintain legal reference and research materials for public use.

Legal Aid or Legal Services : Free legal representatives in civil cases for income eligible persons. Call i-800-453-3320 to utilise.

Legal Custody: Relationship with a child created by court society which gives a person legal responsibility for the physical possession of a minor and the duty to protect, care for and discipline the kid.

Legal Separation: A court gild describing the atmospheric condition under which ii married people will live separately.

Lien: A accuse, hold, or claim upon belongings of some other as security for a debt.

Lis Pendens: A pending lawsuit. Jurisdiction or control that courts take over holding in a case waiting for last disposition. A discover of lis pendens is filed on the land records.

Litigant: A party to a case.

Lockout: Illegally forcing a tenant out of rented belongings, usually past changing the locks on the doors.

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Magistrate: A person who is non a estimate but who is authorized to hear and decide certain types of cases. For example, family support magistrates hear cases involving child support.

Mandamus: An order directed to a private corporation, or any of its officers, or to an executive, authoritative or judicial officer, or to a lower courtroom, commanding the functioning of a particular deed.

Marshal: The persons responsible for courthouse security including the metal detectors at the entrance of each courthouse and maintaining order in each courtroom. A marshal can also serve (give copies of) legal papers to the other people named in a lawsuit.

Mediation: A dispute resolution process in which an impartial third political party assists the parties to voluntarily reach a mutually acceptable settlement.

Minor: A person under age 18, the age of legal bulk.

Misdemeanor: A law-breaking that carries a maximum penalty of one year and/or a $two,000 fine.

Mitigating Circumstances: Circumstances that may be considered to reduce the guilt of a accused. Normally based on fairness or mercy.

Mittimus Judgment: Also called a Mitt. The formal document prepared past the court clerk to present a convicted defendant in a criminal example to the Department of Correction for incarceration.

Modification: Request to modify a prior order. Commonly requires showing a change in circumstances since the date of the prior order.

Motion: Usually written request to the court in a case. Filed with the clerk's part.

Movant: The person who filed the motion, or request, to the courtroom.

Moving Political party: The person making the request to the courtroom in a instance.

Murder with Special Circumstances: A blazon of murder for which the penalty is life imprisonment without the possibility of release. (C.G.S. 53a-54b and 53a-35a).

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Ne Exeat: A legal paper requesting that a person exist required to remain within the jurisdiction of the court (either through incarceration or posting of a bail.)

Neglected Pocket-size: A child or youth who has (a) been abandoned, (b) is beingness denied proper attention, (c) is being permitted to live under weather injurious to his/her well being, or (d) has been driveling.

No Contact Order: A court social club that prohibits contact past a defendant with a victim; can be ordered by a estimate, a bail commissioner, a probation officeholder or a parole officer.

No Fault Divorce : The most common kind of divorce, where no one needs to prove that the husband or the wife is at fault, or acquired the marriage to end. Described as "cleaved down irretrievably".

Nolle: Short for nollo prosequi, which ways "no prosecution". A disposition of a criminal or motor vehicle case where the prosecutor agrees to drop the instance against the accused but keeps the correct to reopen the case and prosecute at any time during the next thirteen months. The nolle is entered on the court tape and the defendant is released from custody. If the defendant stays out of trouble during the 13 months, the case is removed from the official courtroom records.

Nolo Contendere : Information technology means "no contest". A plea in a criminal case that allows the accused to exist convicted without admitting guilt for the crime charged. Although a finding of guilty is entered on the criminal court tape; the defendant can deny the charges in a ceremonious action based on the same acts.

No Contest: A plea in a criminal instance that allows the defendant to exist convicted without albeit guilt for the crime charged. Also called nolo contendre. Although a finding of guilty is entered on the criminal courtroom record, the defendant can deny the charges in a civil action based on the same acts.

Non-Suit: Vacating a case by the court, usually for failure to prosecute.

Notarize: To formally consummate a document by acknowledgement or adjuration.

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Oath: To swear/affirm to the truth of a statement/document.

Office of Developed Probation: A division inside the Judicial Branch. The main responsibilities of the Office of Adult Probation are to supervise persons placed on probation, to conduct investigations for the court to provide background data on convicted offenders and to conduct eligibility investigations for special programs.

Society: A written direction of a courtroom or judge to practise or refrain from doing certain acts.

Club to Detain: An order signed by a judge of the Superior Courtroom authorizing admission of a juvenile to a Juvenile Detention Center, awaiting a hearing on the adjacent concern day.

Order of Detention (Detention Order): An gild issued past a estimate of the Superior Court finding that there is likely crusade that a juvenile committed an law-breaking or a violation of a court lodge and ordering that the juvenile exist held in a Juvenile Detention Middle or some culling facility until further order of the courtroom.

Orders of Temporary Custody: Also called an OTC. Court guild placing a child or youth in the short-term legal custody of an individual or agency authorized to care for juveniles.

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Packet: A tract or a plot of land.

Parenting Education Program : A mandatory program for persons involved in a divorce with children or a custody or visitation case. Must be attended within 60 days of the render date on the summons.

Parole : Release from incarceration later serving office of a sentence.

Parties: The people or legal entities that are named as plaintiff(s) and defendant(south) on legal papers.

Party: A person or legal entity that is named as a plaintiff or defendant on legal papers.

Paternity : Legal fatherhood.

Pendente lite order: A court guild fabricated earlier final orders are granted.

Peremptory Challenge : The rejection of a prospective juror by the attorneys in a case, without having to give a reason. State constabulary defines the number of peremptory challenges available.

Perjury : Making false statements nether oath.

Petition: A formal written request to a court, which starts a special proceeding. In juvenile courtroom, the legal document which specifies the complaint against the juvenile and/or family; information technology includes the name, age and address of the minor and his/her guardian, equally well as the statutory grounds and facts upon which the request for the court intervention is based.

Petitioner: Some other discussion for plaintiff, the person starting the lawsuit.

Plaintiff: The person who sues or starts a ceremonious case, also called the petitioner or the complainant.

Plea: An accused persons reply to a criminal charge. For example: not guilty; guilty; no contest.

Plea Bargain: The agreement a defendant makes with the prosecutor to avoid a trial. Usually involves pleading guilty to bottom charges in commutation for a lighter sentence.

Pleadings: The court documents filed with the courtroom by the parties in a ceremonious or criminal case. For example: move to dismiss; move for modification.

Posting Bail: To pay the court ordered bond amount with cash or holding.

Postal service Judgment: Any request to a court or action by a judge after a judgment in a case.

Practice Volume : Contains the rules of court and forms which must be followed in all Connecticut court cases. Available in all courthouse law libraries.

Pre-Sentence Investigation: Also chosen PSI. A background investigation conducted by a probation officeholder on a person who has been convicted of a criminal law-breaking.

Pretrial: In a civil case, a conference with a approximate or trial referee to discuss discovery and settlement. In a criminal example, a conference with the prosecutor, defence attorney and judge to discuss the case status and what will happen next.

Pretrial Hearing: Conference with attorneys to decide scope of possible trial with view toward resolving problems through agreement.

Probable Cause Hearing: A hearing held earlier a judge in criminal cases to decide if plenty evidence exists to prosecute. The probable cause hearing must be conducted within 60 days of the filing of the complaint or data in Superior Court, unless the accused person waives the time or the court grants an extension based on proficient cause.

Probate/Probate Court: A court with limited authority to hear certain kinds of cases, such as adoption, guardianship, mental health commitments. Non a part of the Superior Court system.

Probation : When a convicted offender receives a suspended term of incarceration and is so supervised by a probation officeholder for a period of fourth dimension set past a judge.

Probation Absconder: A person under probation supervision whose location is unknown, in violation of the conditions of their probation.

Promise to Appear: A blazon of non-fiscal bond where the accused agrees to return to court without giving cash or belongings.

Pro Se : A Latin phrase pregnant for "yourself"--representing yourself in any kind of case.

Pro se Divorce : Exercise information technology yourself divorce - (en epañol).

Prosecute: To deport on a case or judicial proceeding. To go on against a person criminally.

Prosecutor: Also called the state'south attorney. Represents the land in a criminal case against a defendant.

Protective Order : A criminal courtroom order issued by a judge to protect a family or household fellow member.

Public Defender: An chaser appointed and paid by the state who defends a person in a criminal case after the court finds that the person is indigent--financially unable to hire a private attorney.

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Set up: Means ready to offset the trial or begin oral statement. Usually said by an chaser or political party in response to a estimate calling the list of scheduled cases.

Tape: The pleadings, the exhibits and the transcript made by the court reporter of all proceedings in a trial.

Referee: Judges who reach the mandatory retirement historic period of 70 may exist designated as Judge Trial Referees by the Principal Justice and tin can hear and determine certain types of cases.

Regional Family unit Trial Docket : A specialized courtroom designed to hear complicated family cases. One estimate hears the case from get-go to finish. Located in Middletown.

Residential Treatment Programs: Programs that provide all-encompassing drug or alcohol treatment on an inpatient ground.

Respondent: Another discussion for defendant; the person responding to a lawsuit. In Juvenile court, the word refers to the person or persons named in a petition. When used in Exercise Book Sec. 2-29 through 2-62 the word "respondent" shall mean the attorney confronting whom a grievance complaint or presentment has been filed or a person who is declared to have been engaged in the unauthorized exercise of constabulary pursuant to Full general Statutes § 51-88."

Residue: To be washed presenting the evidence in a case, as in "the plaintiff rests".

Restitution : Money ordered to exist paid by the accused to the victim to reimburse the victim for the costs of the crime. Generally making skillful, or giving the equivalent for any loss, damage or injury caused by a persons actions. Often a condition of probation.

Restraining Club : A ceremonious court order to protect a family unit or household member from physical corruption.

Return Engagement : The date on which the xc-day waiting period for a divorce begins. Also, the date that starts the countdown for things taking place in a example, including the deadlines for filing sure papers, including the date by which the defendant should file an appearance. Nothing happens in court on the return appointment and no one needs to go to courtroom on the render date. The return appointment is always a Tuesday in civil and family unit cases. In summary procedure (eviction) cases, the return appointment is whatever calendar week day, Monday through Saturday, except a vacation, normally vii to 10 days from the date the clerk signs the summons if the summons is signed by the clerk.

Revocation Hearing: A hearing held before a judge to determine whether or not a person has violated the weather of probation. If there is a finding that a violation has occurred, the judge may impose all or part of the original sentence.

Dominion to Prove Cause: Summons compelling a person to appear in court on a specific date to respond to a request that certain orders exist modified or vacated.

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Seal : A court society closing a instance file from public review, usually in cases of youthful offenders and acquittal. Prevents the public from obtaining information on the cases.

Senior Judge : A approximate who reaches the age of 65, or who meets certain other requirements and chooses senior status. Senior judges hear cases on a part fourth dimension basis until they reach the mandatory retirement age of 70.

Sentences: The penalty imposed by a guess after the accused is convicted of a crime. Sentences can be: Concurrent - Multiple sentences will be served at the same time (i.e., sentences of 10 years, 8 years and 2 years - to be served meantime - equal a full effective sentence of 10 years.) Consecutive - The sentences are served back-to-back. The same example above would equal a full effective sentence of twenty years.

Sentencing: When a criminal accused is brought before a estimate after conviction for ordering the terms of the punishment.

Sentence Modification : A defendant's written application to the sentencing judge or court to reduce the judgement at whatsoever time during the judgement. The judge conducts a hearing. If the original judgement was more than than three years, the prosecutor must agree.

Sentence Review : A defendant's written application to a 3 judge panel to review the sentence. Must exist filed inside 30 days after being sentenced with the court clerk. A review decision tin can increment or decrease the sentence.

Serious Juvenile Offender: A child who has been adjudicated by the juvenile courtroom for a serious juvenile offense.

Serious Juvenile Law-breaking: Certain criminal offenses listed in the Connecticut General Statutes, which are crimes against persons, serious property crimes and certain drug offenses. A juvenile charged with a Serious Juvenile Law-breaking by police may exist admitted to a Juvenile Detention Center with a prior court order and may be released only past society of a judge of the Superior Court.

Service: The legal method for giving a re-create of the court papers being filed to other parties in a instance.

Short Calendar : A list of cases in which hearing by the judge or magistrate is requested or required.

Slip Opinions : Opinions, or written decisions, of the Supreme Courtroom or the Appellate Court that are publicly released prior to their official publication in the Connecticut Police Journal.

Pocket-sized Claims : Civil actions to recover damages, or coin, up to $5000.The rules of evidence are relaxed and people ofttimes correspond themselves instead of hiring an attorney.

Special Sessions of the Superior Court : A plan of the Judicial Branch where cases of a unmarried type are heard by the same judge through the entire case. For example: Drug Session; Revenue enhancement Session; Community Court.

State Referee: A retired judge who presides over cases referred by the court with understanding of counsel for both parties. Has full powers of an agile trial judge.

States Attorney: An chaser who represents the country in criminal cases. The prosecutor.

Statute : A police force enacted past a legislative trunk.

Statute of Limitations : A certain time immune past law for starting a case. For case, half dozen years in a contract instance.

Stay: Temporarily stopping a judicial proceeding.

Stipulation: Also called a "stip." A written agreement by the parties or their attorneys.

Subpoena: A command to appear in courtroom to show as a witness.

Amendment Duces Tecum: A legal paper requiring someone to produce documents or records for a trial.

Substance Abuse Education: A community based program for drug offenders that provides educational activity about the harmful effects of drug abuse and also supervises customs service.

Substitute Accuse: In a criminal example, a charge that replaces the original charge by the prosecutor.

Summary Process : An eviction instance.

Summons : A legal newspaper that is used to start a civil example and go jurisdiction over a political party.

Summons (Juvenile): A written detect issued by the courtroom commanding a person to appear in a court at a given engagement and time. A summons is issued to an individual charged or other party on a petition or complaint.

Support Enforcement Officer: A person who supervises child support payments and brings parents to courtroom to enforce child support orders. May besides file legal papers to modify or change child support orders.

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Testimony: Statements fabricated by a witness or party under adjuration.

Fourth dimension Served: A sentence of incarceration equal to the amount of time a defendant has already spent in state custody waiting for disposition of the case.

Title: Legal recognition of the ownership of property, normally proven past a document.

Tort: A civil injury or wrong to someone else, or their property.

Transcript: The official written record of everything that was said at a court proceeding, a hearing, or a deposition.

Transfer : Assignment of a case to another court location by courtroom social club.

Transfer Hearing: Juvenile Court hearing to determine whether a kid, xiv or older, charged with a serious juvenile law-breaking should have his/her example transferred to a criminal court and be subject to the same processes and penalties as an adult charged with the same criminal offense.

Trial De Novo: A new trial or retrial in which the whole case with evidence and witnesses is presented as if no previous trial had been held.

Trial Referee: An chaser appointed by the Chief Justice to hear whatsoever civil non-jury case where the parties agree to use a trial referee and all the legal papers have been filed.

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Uncared For : Legal description of a child or youth who is homeless or whose home cannot provide the specialized care which his/her physical, emotional or mental status requires.

Unconditional Discharge: A sentence in a criminal example in which the defendant is released without imprisonment, probation supervision or atmospheric condition.

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Vacate: To cancel or rescind a court lodge.

Venue: The courtroom location.

Victim Services Advocate : A person who assesses a victim's needs and helps the victim sympathize the court case, how to exercise their rights and how to access other resource.

Visitation : A court order deciding the amount of fourth dimension a non-custodial parent may spend with his or her child, likewise called parenting time or access.

Violation: An offense for which the merely sentence authorized is a fine.

Violation of Probation : Activeness or inaction that disobeys a condition of probation.

Voir Dire: "To speak the truth." The process of questioning prospective jurors or witnesses nearly their qualifications.

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Wage Execution : The process of deducting money from wages to pay a judgment. Also chosen a garnishment or attachment.

Wage Withholding : A court society to deduct child support or alimony payments from someone's wages. All child back up court orders must include an income withholding order unless both parents ask the judge not to.

Witness: A person who testifies to what they saw, heard, observed or did.

Writ: Legal paper filed to get-go diverse types of civil lawsuits.

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Youth: Whatever person sixteen (sixteen) to eighteen (xviii) years of age.

Youthful Offender: The legal status of persons who have been arrested for a law-breaking committed when they were between the ages of 16 and xviii and who run across other requirements. All 16- and 17- year-erstwhile defendants are treated as youthful offenders, except those who have been charged with sure felonies, have already been convicted of a felony on the developed docket, or have been adjudicated as a serious juvenile offender. For defendants treated as Youthful Offenders, the information and proceedings are confidential and do not become a part of the person's criminal tape.


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