History of the Twentyninth Division â€ëœblue and Grayã¢â‚¬â„¢ 19171919


Army [edit | edit source]

For information regarding official military unit histories, contact:

  • U.S. Army Center of Military History World War I Divisions: Then and Now
  • United States World War I Infantry Divisions
  • American Expeditionary Forces Distinctive Cloth Insignia Chart
  • Historical Section. Army War College. Order of Battle of the Land Forces the World War American Expeditionary Forces Divisions. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1931
  • Battle Participation of Organizations of the American Expeditionary Forces in France Belgium and Italy.

Unit Histories [edit | edit source]

Divisional Histories

  • Society of the First Division. History of the First Division During the World War, 1917-1919. Philadelphia, Pa.: John C. Winston Co., 1922
  • Oliver L. Spaulding and John W. Wright. The Second Division,American Expeditionary Force in France,1917-1919. New York, Hillman, 1937
  • Frederick v. Hemenway. History of the Third Division, United States Army in the World War for the Period December 1, 1917 to January 1, 1919.
  • 3rd Division Summary of Operations
  • Christian A. Bach and Henry Noble Hall. The Fourth Division: Its Services and achievements in the World War,... (1920)
  • Kenyon Stevenson. The Official History of the Fifth Division U.S.A. Washington,D.C.: Society of the Fifth Division, 1919
  • Records of the World War. Field Orders - 1918. 5th Division. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1921
  • Emerson G. Taylor. New England in France, 1917-1919: A History of the Twenty-Sixth Division U.S.A. Boston and New York: Houghton and Mifflin Co., 1920
  • John F. O'Ryan. The Story of the 27th Division. Vol. 1 New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford C0.,1921.
  • John F. O'Ryan. The Story of the 27th Division. Vol. 2 New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford C0.,1921.
  • Pennsylvania in the World War an illustrated history of the Twenty- Eighth Division. vol. 1 Pittsburgh, Pa.: States Publications Society, 1921.
  • Pennsylvania in the World War an illustrated history of the Twenty- Eighth Division. vol. 2 Pittsburgh, Pa.: States Publications Society, 1921.
  • John A. Cutchins. History of the Twenty-Ninth Division, Blue and Gray, 1917-1919... Philadelphia:Twenty-Ninth Division Historical Committee, 1921.
  • Wisconsin War History Commission. The 32nd Division in the World War, 1917-1919. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Print Co., 1920.
  • Frederic Louis Huidekoper. The History of the 33rd Division,A.E.F. 4 vols. Springfield, Illinois: Ill. State Historical Library, 1921.
  • Clair Kenamore. From Vauquois Hill to Exermont: a history of the Thirty-Fifth Division of the united states Army. St. Louis:Guard Publishing Co., 1919.
  • Charles B. Hoyt. Heroes of the Argonne: an authentic History of the Thirty-Fifth Division. Kansas City,Mo.: Franklin Hudson, 1919.
  • Clair Kenamore. From Vauquois Hill to Exermont. A History of the Third-Fifth Division of the United States Army. St. Louis, Mo.: Guard Publishing Co., 1919
  • Ben H. Chastaine. Story of the 36th: the Experiences of the 36th Division in the World War. Oklahoma City:Harlow Publishing Company, 1920.
  • Ralph D. Cole. The Thirty-Seventh Division in the World War,1917-1918. vol. 1 Columbus, Ohio: Thirty-Seventh Division Veterans Association, 1926.
  • Ralph D. Cole. The Thirty-Seventh Division in the World War,1917-1918. vol. 2 Columbus, Ohio: Thirty-Seventh Division Veterans Association, 1926.
  • History of the Fortieth (Sunshine) division; containing a brief history of all units under the Command of Major General Frederick S. Strong, 1917-1919.Los Angeles, California: C.S. Hutson & Co., 1920
  • Raymond S. Tompkins. The Story of the Rainbow Division. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1919 Forty-Second Division
  • History of the Seventy-Seventh Division, August 25, 1917 November 11, 1918:designed and written in the field- France. New York,New York: The 77th Division Association, 1919.
  • Arthur McKeogh.The Victorious 77th Division in the Argonne Fight (New York's Own)in the Argonne Fight. New York: john E. Eggers Co.,1919
  • Thomas F. Meehan. History of the Seventy-Eighth Division in the World War,1917-1919.New York:Dodd,Mead and Company, 1921.
  • 79th Division Association. History Committee.History of the Seventy-Seventh Division A.E.F. During the WORLD War:1917-1919.Lancaster,Pa.: Steinman & Steinman, 1922.
  • Official History of 82nd Division,American Expeditionary Forces,1917-1919:"All American Division. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1919.
  • John G. Little The Official History of the Eighty-Sixth Division. Chicago, Illinois: States Publications Society, 1921.
  • The 88th division in the World War of 1914-1918. New York, New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford, 1919.
  • George H English History of the 89th Division, U.S.A.: from its organization in 1917, through its operations in the World War, the occupation of Germany and unit demobilization in 1919. Kansas City, Missouri:The War Society of the 89th Division, 1920.
  • George Wythe. A History of the 90th Division. The 90th Division Association, 1920
  • Lonnie J. White. The 90th Division in World War I: the Texas-Oklahoma draft division in the great war. Manhattan,Kansas.Sunflower University Press, 1996
  • The Story of the 91st Division.San Mateo, Calif.:91st Division Publication Committee, 1919


  • 17th Cavalry 6.30.1916-9.26.1921 Administrative History Note


  • The Ninth U.S. Infantry in the World War.
  • 12th Infantry Twelfth U.S. Infantry,1798-1919.
  • The Story of the Sixteenth Infantry in France. Frankfurt/Main,Germany:s.l.: 1919
  • A History and Photographic Record of the 35th Infantry
  • R.B. Cole.The History of the 39th Infantry During the World War. (1919)
  • A History of the Sixty-Third U.S.Infantry. 1917-1919.(H.H. Bissell,1920) ]
  • Martin Joseph Hogan. The Shamrock Battalion of the Rainbow: A story of the "fighting sixth-ninth" New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1919
  • Robert Stewart Sutliffe, comp. Seventy-first New York in the World War. S.l.:s.n., 1922
  • Gerald F. Jacobson. History of the 107th Infantry U.S.A. New York City: Seventh Regiment Armory, 1920
  • A Short History and Illustrated Roster of the 108th Infantry United States Army. (1919)
  • History of the 110th Infantry( 10th Pa.) of the 28th Division, U.S.A. S.l.: Association of the 110th Infantry, 1920
  • George C. Richards. A Short History and Illustrated Roster of the 112th Infantry Army of the United States. Philadelphis,Pennsylvania:Edward Stern & Co., 1918
  • Thomas Fauntleroy. Official History of the 120th Infantry "3d North Carolina" 30th Division. Lynchburg, Va.: J.P. Bell Co.,
  • Emil B. Gansser. History of the 126th Infantry in the War with Germany.Grand Rapids, Michigan,1920
  • Carl E. Haterius Reminiscences of the 137th Infantry. Topeka, Kansas: Crane, 1919
  • Evan Alexander Edwards From Doniphan to Verdun The Official History of the 140th Infantry. Lawrence,Kansas: The World Company Publishers,
  • C. H. Barnes. History of the 142nd Infantry of the thirty-sixth division,... Blackwell Job Print Co., 1922
  • Winfred E. Robb The Price of Our Heritage. In Memory of the Heroic Dead of the 168th Infantry Des Moines,Iowa: American Lithographing and Printing Co., 1919 ]
  • Frank A Tiebout 305th Infantry New York: 305th Infantry Auxiliary,1919
  • W. Kerr Rainsford From Upton to the Meuse. with the Three Hundred and Seventh Infantry. New York: D. Appleton and Company,1920
  • Henry C. Thorn. History of the 313th U.S. Infantry,"Baltimore's Own. New York,New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford,1920
  • The Official History of the 315th Infantry U.S.A.
  • History of the 318th Infantry Regiment of the 80th Division,1917-1919. Richmond,Virginia: William Byrd Press, 1919
  • History of the Three Hundred and Twenty-Eighth Regiment of Infantry...(1920)
  • The 346th Infantry Historical Notes
  • Proctor M. Fiske History of the 350th Regiment of U.S. Infantry, Eighty-Eighth Division, American Expeditionary Forces. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: The Laurence Press Company,1919
  • Charles Franklin Dienst. History of the 353rd Infantry Regiment, 89th Division, National Army, September, 1917-June, 1919. Wichita, Kansas: 1921
  • Carlisle L. Jones. History and Roster of the 355th Infantry...Lincoln, Nebraska: Society of the 355th Infantry,39th Division,1919
  • Harold M. Hyman. A short and photographic record of the 360th Infantry, Texas Brigade. Colonel C. H. Conrad,commanding. San Antonio,Texas:San Antonio Printing Co., 1918
  • Roger Heller. 361st Infantry
  • Harold Hitz Burton.600 Days' Service: a History of the 361st Infantry Regiment of the United States Army. Portland,OR., James Kerns & Abbott Co., 1921


  • A Brief History of 7th Engineers.5th Division
  • History of the Eleventh Engineers, United States Army... New York, 1926,1927
  • Alfred H. Davies. Twentieth Engineers, France, 1917-1918-1919. Portland, Ore.: Twentieth Engineers Publishing Assn.,1920
  • Gilbert Roberts (21st Engineers and Light Railway - A.E.F.) Letters and Recollections of World War I and Biography of Company N.
  • Charles Hamilton Lee.History of the Twenty-Sixth Engineers (Water Supply Regiment) in the World War. September 1917-March 1919. New York: Pub. by the Regiment with Cooperation of New England Water World Association, 1920
  • Walter Renton Ingalls.History of the 27th Engineers,U.S.A. 1917-1919. New York: Association of the 27th Engineers,1920
  • The Story of "E" Company. 101st Engineers. 26th Division. Boston,Massachusetts: Privately Printed, 1919
  • Willard P. Sullivan. The History of the 105th Regiment of Engineers... New York:George H. Doran CO., 1919
  • The Three Hundred and First Engineers. A History 1917-1919.Boston and New York:Houghton and Mifflin Company: The Riverside Press, 1920
  • Gilbert H. Crawford. The 302nd Engineers, a history.New York?: s.n.,1920
  • Joseph P. Roth and Robert L. Wheeler, comps. History Company E 303 Engineers of the 78th Division,1917-1919. New York: John P. Smith Print, 1919
  • 11th Engineer Regiment. 1917-5.6.1919 NARA Administrative History Note

Field Artillery

  • Ralph T. Heard. A History of the Sixth Regiment, Field Artillery, First Division, United States Army. Coblenz,Germany: s.n.,1919 ]
  • Frederick Morse Cutler The 55th Artillery (C.A.C.) in the American Expeditionary Forces, France, 1918.Worcester,Massachusetts: Commonwealth Press, 1920
  • Edward D. Sirois, et. al. Smashing Through The World War with Fighting Battery C 102nd F.A. Yankee Division 1917-1918-1919 Salem, Mass.:The Meek Press,1919
  • Ernest La Branche. An American Field Battery in France. Worcester, Mass.: Belisle Printing & Pub. Co., 1923 Battery E, 102d Field Artillery
  • Reese T. Amis History of the 114th Field Artillery
  • W. P. MacLean. My Story of the 130th F.A.,A.E.F. Topeka, Kansas:Boy's Chronicle, 1920
  • Robert L. Moorhead. The Story of the 139th Field Artillery American Expeditionary Forces. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company Publishers, 1920
  • E.W. Crocker. History of the 145th Field Artillery Regiment of World War I. Provo, Utah: J. Grant Stevenson, 1968
  • Battery Ballads, Battery E 145th Field Artillery San Diego, Cal.: Arts & Crafts Press,
  • Record of Service of 147th Field Artillery in France to 11th November 1918. (1919).
  • Paul M. Davis and Hubert Kenneth Clay. History of Battery C, 148th Field Artillery,American Expeditionary Forces. Colorado Springs:Out West,1919
  • The 302nd Field Artillery. United States Army. Cambridge, Massachusetts: 302nd Field Artillery Association, 1919
  • James H. Howard. The Autobiography of a Regiment: a history of the 304th Field Artillery in the World War. New York, 1920
  • Joseph Glass, et. al. The Story of Battery D 304th Field Artillery September 1917 to May 1919. the Author, 1919
  • History of the 307th Field Artillery September 6, 1917-May 16, 1919.
  • A History of the 313th Field Artillery, U.S.A. New York,New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1920
  • Carl A Shem. History of Battery E, 323rd Field Artillery. Cleveland,Ohio: the Press of Ward and Shaw Co., 1921
  • T.Q. Ashburn.History of the 324th Field Artillery United States Army. New York:George H. Doran Co.,1919
  • R.La Rue Cober, ed.The Trail of Battery D,Three Hundred and Twenty-Fourth Heavy Field Artillery,American Expeditionary Forces Marietta,Ohio,Printed by the Hyde brothers,1919
  • Regimental History Three Hundred and Forty-First Field Artillery. Eighty-Ninth Division of the National Army
  • Robert Walston Chubb. Regimental History,342nd Field Artillery, 89th Division. New York:The Regimental Historian,1921
  • Gardner Hamilton. History of the 346th Field Artillery.

Field Artillery Brigade

  • Rex F. Harlow Trail of the 61st. A History of the 61st Field Artillery Brigade During the World War. 1917-1919. Oklahoma City:Harlow Publishing Co., 1919

Coast Artillery Corps

  • Regimental History. 19th Regiment Army Artillery (C.A.C.) Fort Macarthur,Calif., 1918
  • Frederick Morse Cutler. The 55th Artillery (C.A.C.) ... Worcester, MAss.: Commonwealth Press, 1920
  • History of Battery D 56th Artillery Coast Artillery Corps. 1920

Field Signal Battalions

  • From Puget Sound to the Rhine. Being a Record of the Activities of the 405th Telegraph Battalion. Signal Corps. 1917-1919

Machine Gun Battalions

  • Philip S. Wainwright. History of the 101st Machine Gun Battalion. Hartford,Conn.: The 101st Machine Gun Battalion Association, 1922
  • Robert John McCarthy. History of Troop A, Connecticut National Guard and its service in the Great War as Co. D, 102d Machine Gun Battalion. Tuttle, Morehouse, 1919
  • Stanton Whitney. Squadron A in the Great War, 1917-1918, including a narrative of the 105th M.G. Battalion. New York: Squadron A Association,1923
  • Thomas B. Collins, et. al., comp. With the 114th Machine Gun Battalion, 1917-1919. S.l.: s.n., 1920
  • Alan B Ellis. A brief History of Appleton's Old Company G. Co. A 150th Machine Gun Battalion. 1919
  • History of the 332d Machine Gun Battalion, 86th Division. 171st Brigade.
  • John Uberto Calkins History of the 347th Machine Gun Battalion Oakland, Calif.: Press of Horwinski Company,

Signal Corps

  • 405th Telegraph Battalion Signal Corps

Tank Corps

  • A Co. Tank "Treated'em Rough 301 Bn. Tank Corps. Philadelphia:E.A. Wright Co., 1919


  • C.M. Bard Our Book Company A 102 Ammunition Train (1919)

Army Air Service [edit | edit source]

  • For information regarding official military unit histories, contact:

Aero Squadrons

  • Frederick Mortimer Clapp. A History of the 17th Aero Squadron. (1920)
  • Daniel Parmlee Morse. The History of the 50th Aero Squadron...
  • Leland M. Carver, et. al. The Ninetieth Aero Squadron. Hinsdale, Ill.: E.H. Griest, 1920
  • George C. Kenney and Horace Moss Guilbert. History of the 91st Aero Squadron Air Service U.S.A. Coblenz, 1919
  • A History of the 800th Aero Repair Squadron(Formerly the 106th Aero Squadron) Organized August 26th, 1917.
  • Thomas F. Norton. 639th Aero Squadron Book.(1920)
  • Allen R. Thomas. History of the 649th Aero Supply Squadron. (n.d.)
  • Herman W. Louser. The Propeller 840th Aero Squadron. Harrisburg, Pa.: The Couier Press, 1919

Navy [edit | edit source]

For information regarding official military unit histories, contact:

U.S. Naval History & Heritage Command
Washington Navy Yard, Bldg 57 (3rd Floor)
Washington, DC 20374
Telephone: (202) 433-3224

  • Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships - Index
  • Paul Silverstone. U.S. Warships of World War I. London: Ian Allen, Ltd. 1970

Marine Corps [edit | edit source]

For information regarding official military unit histories, contact:

U.S. Marine Corps History Division
2044 Broadway Street
Quantico, Virginia 22134
Telephone: (703) 432-4877

  • George B. Clark. The Fourth Marine Brigade in World War I. Battalion Histories Based on Official Documents. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company, 2015.
  • George B. Clark. Decorated Marines of the Fourth Brigade in World War I. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company,2007.
  • Michael A. Eggleston. The 5th Marine Regiment Devil Dogs in World War I. A History and Roster. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company,2016.
  • 6th Regiment
  • 6th Regiment
  • 6th Machine Gun Battalion

Coast Guard [edit | edit source]

For information regarding official military unit histories, contact:

U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office
Commandant (CG-09224
U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters
2100 Second Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20593

Medical Department [edit | edit source]

Base Hospitals and Ambulances

  • Cyril Barnert. The Mount Sinai Unit in the World War: with Scenes at Base Hospital No. 3 A.E.F. at Vauclaire, Dordogne, France. New York: Mount Sinai Hospital, 1919
  • Concerning Base Hospital No. 5. A Book Published for the Personnel of Base Hospital No.5. France, 1917-18-19. Boston: The Barta Press,
  • Raymond Shiland Brown. Base Hospital No. 9, A.E.F.; a history of the work of the New York hospital unit during two years of active service. New York,1920 ]
  • History of the Pennsylvania Hospital Unit (Base Hospital No.10,U.S.A.) in the Great War. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1920
  • History of Base Hospital No.18, American Expeditionary Forces:(John Hopkins Unit) Baltimore: Base Hospital Association,1919
  • John M. Swam and Mark Heath. A History of United States Base Hospital No.19, American Expeditionary Forces, Vichy, France, A.P.O. 781.(1922)
  • History of United States Army Base Hospital No.20 Organized at the University of Pennsylvania.(Philadelphia, 1920)
  • Charles Hirsh Kaletzki. Official History U.S.A. Base Hospital No.31 of Youngstown, Ohio and Hospital Unit "G" of Syracuse University.Syracuse,NY: Charles H. Kaletzki,1919
  • Benjamin D. Hitz. A History of Base Hospital No.32 Including Unit R. Indianapolis, 1922
  • Edmund M. Pitts, ed. Base Hospital No.34 in the World War (1922)
  • A HIstory of United States Army Base Hospital No.36 (Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery Unit) (1922)
  • The Thirty-Six Review. U.S. General Hospital No.36. Henry Ford Hospital. Detriot,Michigan(1919)
  • History of the Emory Unit:Base Hospital No.43, U.S. Army, American Expeditionary Forces.(1919)
  • Otis B. Wight, ed. et.al. On Active Service with Base Hospital No.46 U.S.A. Mar. 20, 1918 to May 25, 1919. (1919)
  • The History of Base Hospital No.50: a portrayal of the work done by this unit while serving in the United States and with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. Seattle:Washington: Official Committee of Base Hospital Fifty, 1922
  • Base Hospital No. 52: War Diary. (1919)
  • Slpha Reuben Sawyer. United States Base Hospital No.68 A.E.F.: history of the organization and personnel.Boston:Griffith-Stillings Press, 1920
  • Rae S. Dorsett. History Base Hospital No.85.United States Army,Colonel William R. Eastman, commanding officer. (1919)
  • Howard Fox. History of Base Hospital No.136: from September 10,1918 to May 1, 1919. ( typescript, 1919)
  • Frederick A. Pottle. Stretchers.The Story of a Hospital Unit on the Western Front. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1929
  • Walter Chaskel. History of Ambulance Company No.105 (former Fourth Ambualncne Co.) 102nd Sanitary Train, 27th division,U.S.A. Astoria. L. I.: N.Y.: Walter Chaskel, 1919)
  • Leslie Buswell. Ambulance No. 10 Personal Letters from the front. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company,1916
  • howard Hill. Facts and Fancies of 363d Field Hospital Co. 316th Sanitary Train. 91st Division. 1917-1919. (1919)
  • Chronological History of the 364th Field Hospital Company.Portland,Oregon:July, 1921
  • Society of Alumni of Bellevue Hospital. 1915-1921... Memorials of Those Who Died in the Great War New York City
  • The American Red Cross. Department of Relief. Red Cross Base Hospitals.Washington,D.C.:1919
  • American Red Cross New Orleans Chapter June 30, 1919
  • Peter Wever. A U.S. Army Medical Base in World War I France. Life and Care at Bazoilles Hospital Center, 1918-1919. Jefferson, North Carolina, McFarland and Company, 2019.

References [edit | edit source]

  • James T. Controvich and Martin Gordon, United States Army Unit and Organizational Histories, a bibliography. 2 Volumes. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2003. FHL 973 M23cj [v. 2 WWI to present]
  • James T. Controvich. United States Army Unit Histories: a reference and bibliography. 3 volumes. Manhattan, Kansas: MA/MH Publishing, Sunflower University Press, 1996. FHL 973 M23cj
  • George S. Pappas. United States Army Unit Histories. 2 vols. Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania: US Army Military History Institute, 1971-1978. FHL 973 B4ua no. 4


Source: https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/United_States_World_War_I_Unit_Histories

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